I finally stole a few moments to blog - sorry it's taken me so long. There is always just so much to do. But, I can happily report that I have sandwich bread rising, diapers washing and I swept the floor while the pictures were loading. Now THAT'S multitasking.
Reilly has a top tooth! It wasn't very fun getting it here though. It hurt a lot more than her two bottom teeth (probably combined!) and she even had a fever with this one. Anyway, we are happy to have it.
We got together with our Bradley class (the class we all took to prepare for labor) last weekend and had a one year celebration! It was so funny watching the kids interact and steal each other's toys all night. It has also been nice being around babies that are the same age but have been on a completely different growing schedule. Some were walking, some had a bunch of teeth, etc, but it's all still normal!
Another big development is now Reilly so throwing tantrums. She is only one! I thought we would have another YEAR of peace. Guess not. Her little routine is slam her little butt on the floor and then fling her head back into the lying position and then scream. We cringed the first couple times we heard her head hit the floor (luckily isn't only been on the carpet and she doesn't continually bang it - just once per tantrum) but it must not hurt her too badly because she has done it multiple times now. We don't really do anything about it either because we don't want to get her a reaction. So, we just let her cry or put her to bed if it's getting close to nap time.
I just liked this picture so I thought I would throw it in! She is wearing a birthday dress from Great Uncle Jack and Great Aunt Liz! Love the plaid.
Reilly will go to the extreme to get my wallet out of my purse. Not quite sure why it is her favorite, but I'm definitely over having to pick up all the contents multiple times a day.
I watch another little boy, Camden, one day a week and here is reading time! It's been so good for Reilly (and I'm sure Camden too) to have a constant playmate and to learn how to share! They usually fight over the toy piano that we have, and when Reilly gets REALLY frustrated she'll hold Camden's head in her hands, touch her forehead to his and shout. It's pretty funny.
Big girls get to eat at the big table! we are having a hard time learning to get the plate on the table. Usually she dumps all the food onto the table and chucks the plate. We're close to giving up on the plate altogether.
Thirteen month Raggedy Ann picture! I remembered to take it soon after she woke up and knew we had not a moment to lose or I would forget. This is why she is still in her pajamas.
Thanks for reading!