All is well here and we have been very busy. I am not quite sure about it being MAY in a week, but I'm coming to grips with it. We think that Reilly is working on her third tooth now and her balance is good that it shouldn't be long before she starts trying to walk! That will be quite the milestone.
We had a little scare with my milk supply because I was sick with a stomach bug a couple of weeks ago and I couldn't keep any water down. On top of that I got food poisoning a day later ( I think. Not too sure. The only thing I know is that it was terrible.) My supply was very low for about 4 days, and then I decided to stop messing around! I went out to get brewer's yeast as well as a special hot tea that is supposed to help with supply. With the brewer's yeast I added a nice amount to healthy oatmeal cookies and ate probably about 6 a day. It was great having a reason to eat cookies all day! If you would like the recipe, click HERE. I think both of the supplements helped and now my milk is back to normal (PTL).
Reilly and I hosted a play date as well. All of these babies were born to the friends we made during our labor preparation class. It is fun for them to be a the age now where they can actually play together (and steal each other's toys). We actually watched the little girl right next to Reilly a couple of days later and it was very interesting seeing them interact for the evening. Luckily Eve was very laid back, and when Reilly would steal her toy she would be content with a different one. Reilly never takes interest in some of those toys, but as soon as Eve had it, it was her most favorite toy of all time. Hopefully sharing will come later!
Please note the food everywhere, including her hair. Lately she has been enjoying squash, couscous, tofu, and melons. She also can eat larger pieces of food now, and that is a nice change from having to puree everything!
Another dinner experience.
And lastly, I enjoy hanging our diapers out to dry! We were gifted a whole set of brand new diapers from Reilly's Great Grandma Sharane, and we are so grateful for them! Not only are they wonderful because they don't leak, but they are adorable.