Thursday, October 11, 2012

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Some Updates

Well, Mackenzie is 6  weeks today! Time has really gone by so quickly and my baby is growing up so fast. She already looks so different. She is also very strong-she holds her head up a lot and was trying to roll over earlier this week! She went from back to stomach, but couldn't figure out how to get her arm out from under her. It has been fun having her be more alert and she has her dad's eyes. We are also doing well with a routine. I feed her every 3 hours starting at 7am and she is usually tired about an hour after waking. She likes to sleep swaddled, and once she gets all bundled up, it usually doesn't take her long to fall asleep. We've been blessed with two very easy babies - I really hope it lasts with Mackenzie! 

Reilly has been talking a lot lately - speaking in sentences a lot more and repeating what we say. We've also started her on vitamins, and they might be the highlight of her day. Whenever she hears me getting out my vitamins, she runs over and asks for hers. Most of the time she hangs on to them, savoring the delicious cherry flavor for as long as possible. She also loves to share my fiber drinks and if I don't drink most of it before giving it to her, I hardly get any. We're definitely getting healthy at our house!
This morning Reilly was drawing pictures with Daddy and she asked him to draw "hair, eyes, nose, feet, knees." I clarified that she wanted him to draw a person. Of course she did.
She also sang a song over and over for more than 30 minutes. It included all the hand motions, but we couldn't understand a word. She told us she learned the song at church.
Chris also has her saying "GO Broncos!" whenever he can get a word in.

I have a lot more pictures of Mackenzie but they are not available to me for this post. I will hopefully put them on soon!