Sunday, February 21, 2010

18 Weeks (Oops! We missed one.)

Sorry about missing week 17. I don't have any excuses for you. It just didn't get done.

The last week and a half have gone well. We are both getting more and more excited for our upcoming ultrasound. That will happen in about a week and a half or two weeks. It is the big ultrasound. The one that is longer and the one where we could potentially find out whether we have a boy bun or a girl bun.

The biggest problem over the last week and a half has been regarding Nicole's prenatal vitamins. We were unable to find another bottle of the brand that she had been using and so we called the doctor, talked to a "vitamin expert" at Vitamin Cottage, and finally decided on a new brand. The biggest problem with these new vitamins is that Nicole thinks that they smell horrible. She makes a face and whimpers at the thought of having to take them. She can be a little dramatic.

The exciting news is that Nicole bought some new cloth diapers for the Bun this week. Since we don't know the sex we got some green and orange diapers. The diapers are amazingly small since they are newborn diapers. It's hard to believe that our little Bun will be here soon and will be that small.

The other really exciting news is that Nicole felt the Bun moving for the first time today! How cool is that? She says that describing what it felt like is difficult other than to say that it wasn't a usual feeling. Kind of like a bubble in her stomach.

Our baby is now about 5 ½ inches long and weighs about 6 ounces. During this week the Bun will gain weight at an incredible pace! Now that all of the organs have developed, the Bun’s body will focus on gaining weight and size. Nicole may begin to feel a bit off center as the baby and her uterus are getting larger.

Because the Bun's inner ear has formed its bones and nerve endings from the brain have formed, hearing has become very acute. Our baby can hear Nicole's heartbeat and the blood moving through the umbilical cord as well as our voices. S/he will even try to cover his/her ears if s/he hears a loud sound!

The Bun is sensitive to light now, as the eyes are further developed and the brain is growing very fast. A little girl will have all the eggs inside her ovaries that she will need for her entire life. Little boys begin to develop the prostate. Brown fat begins to cover the Bun, so his/her skin appears less transparent.


  1. Oh yes... I remember the foul smelling, gage inducing, vomit-green horse pills you are referring to!!! They truly are nutritious however! LOL. Nicole is not being dramatic - they are really that horrible!!!! :)

  2. Yay for cloth diapering! I'm excited to hear about your experience with them. I've had some friends who just rave about them. They are cheaper, produce so much less waste, and probably 100 times cuter than disposable. :) You'll have to give me your full review, so in coming years, we'll have some honest opinions as to whether we should consider too!

  3. Yes - prenatal vitamins are revolting. I hear good things about Bum Genius and Fuzzie Buns for cloth diapers - we just don't have the laundry facilities to do cloth but a lot of my mommy friends do and those seem to be the favored brands. And horray for movement! So fun! I remember thinking those early ones felt kind of like when you are pushed on a swing and fall for a bit, or go over a small hill to fast in a car and it's like your stomach got left behind when you drop - that was the best explanation I ever came up with anyway.
