Sunday, July 25, 2010

Today's the Day! (But Not Really)

Right? I mean, it is July 25. The day that countdown timer has been counting down to all along. We're all set. We've got our bag packed (as Nicole is demonstrating in the picture), the nursery all set, and our birth plan is printed. I guess someone forgot to tell Reilly that today is the day. Right now it looks like we'll begin another week of work. We know that first time pregnancies typically go past their due dates but we were optimistic. Now it's just a waiting game. Labor could literally start at any moment. Nicole thinks that if we weren't all set and ready to go that Reilly would have decided to come early. You know, Murphy's Law? Now that we're prepared, though, it's not going down that way.

We tried to get the baby out today. We took a nice walk this morning before church. I tried to get Nicole to eat some jalepeƱos at lunch (she wouldn't). We're not just sitting idly by. We are, however, still in good spirits. We are enjoying our time (and the attention). Ideally, I won't be writing a post next week titled 'T-PLUS 7 Days," but who knows?

I asked Nicole what we should tell you all about this last week. Her response? "I don't remember last week." Ah, back to the whole "the baby ate my brain" excuse. I love it. It was strange not having our Bradley class this week and not getting to see those friends. We're looking forward to spending more time with them soon! Nicole did mention that Reilly has been moving a lot today. My favorite mom-to-be has also felt like she has to go to the bathroom every 45 minutes. I am pretty sure that she is ready to be done with that. I asked Nicole what she is most looking forward to (other than having a baby, of course) about becoming un-pregnant. She is mostly excited about her feet not being swollen and having an occasional margarita. Yum!

I'm not really sure what to put about baby facts anymore. Reilly's head is really low right now and we heard today that that means she'll probably have a cone head when she's born. Soooo, right away she's got that going for her. We've both been reading more books but we've moved onto the child rearing books. We really like On Becoming Baby Wise and Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child. We spend a lot of our time discussing our parenting plans. Talking about schedules, feedings, sleeping, all of those kinds of things. It's a pretty amazing and exciting time of life.

Thanks, again, everyone for sharing in this journey with us. We can't wait to have the opportunity to introduce you to Reilly Marie. Please continue to keep all three of us in your prayers. Pray for an uncomplicated labor and delivery (a short one, too, if you're feeling as though your prayers are especially powerful and effective that day), a healthy baby girl, and wisdom for all of the medical personnel that will be part of one of the best days of our lives. Thanks again! I'm really hoping that our next post has pictures of our baby girl!

1 comment:

  1. You only have to pee every 45 minutes? Sheesh, I was more like every 15 by that point.

    Be careful with babywise though, it's great for formula babies but it can really sabotage breastfeeding. I have several friends who were determined to go babywise and wound up with major supply issues and baby's weight gain plummeting. The supply and demand nature of nursing means scheduling it causes problems when baby hits growth spurts and needs to demand more often that is scheduled to raise supply. Ok, sorry, end of unsolicited advice. I've just seen enough former babywise moms react in horror when another nursing mom who is having problems says she's trying to use that book that it's turned into a knee jerk reaction to echo their "Just bin that book and forget you ever read it" view.

    That sleep book on the other hand is almost universally revered and beloved, never helped us much but most people say it was the most useful book they read. Another one that I never actually read but I got the gist of from enough people and found it helpful is Happiest Baby on the Block by (I think) Dr. Harvey Karp.
