I'm so thankful that we have a washer and dryer at our house because we have been doing laundry six days a week! When spit up happens, it gets on everything. She does a good job with it coming out the other end as well. With baby stuff strewn all over the house it's easier to throw it in the laundry than try to figure out what happened to it!
I'm also thankful that my whole family (minus Uncle Josh) was able to come out and meet Reilly, and my mom actually made a second trip out this week. It was very nice having her here to help (I was actually not feeling well for a couple days and it was so nice not having to do everything myself!) The rest of the family will get to see her again when we fly to AZ for my grandma's wedding. Hopefully we won't be THOSE people on the plane, but what can we do about it? We have places to be! If anyone has airplane advice, that would be great! Cheers!
Can't wait to see all of you! What a pleasant surprise to see another blog written. She is just a dream come true, isn't she?!