Thursday, January 27, 2011

Hello all. I should have updated sooner because now I’m afraid I won’t remember everything, but I’ll do my best. Reilly is a scooting, rolling machine! She also stays on her hands and knees for a while, so I am guessing it won’t be long until she figures out that she can MOVE like that! Luckily she is content being in her play yard, so I won’t have to be running after her ALL day. We’ll see though! She loves sitting up in her bumbo chair (and not in the chair. Just sitting in general) and we even graduated to the actual stroller – she no longer needs to be in her car seat in the stroller. That’s a pretty big deal! I am excited to be able to put her directly into the grocery cart as well because that will save me a lot of space. We also thought it was time to work in some solid foods so we started on some bananas yesterday. She loved them! So far so good, but we were told to only introduce one new food at a time just in case she reacts to something. It will be very fun seeing her explore all the amazing foods we get to eat and hopefully she will like them all! Chris and I love trying new foods and hopefully Reilly will grow up loving that too. It keeps things interesting, that’s for sure! I am turning into a full blown health nut, and we have been experimenting with whole grains and unusual foods when I can get my hands on them.

Reilly and I faced our fears last week and flew to IA just the two of us! She did really well (especially once I got her to sleep) but it was harder having to do it all by myself. We had a row to ourselves on the way out and that gave us lots of room, and the woman sitting next to us on the way back was very patient! We were definitely up in her space a few times, so it was a relief to be sitting next to someone so nice about it. We made the trip to IA so my family could enjoy Reilly for a few days and it was a great time. All of Reilly’s aunties and uncle were able to come down for a little bit and Reilly loved all the attention. I also got to catch up with some friends and it was so good to see them. Chris missed us though and he’ll probably think twice before he lets us do that again…but of course he’ll let us. JI want to get to IA a few more time this year just so my family doesn’t miss out on sweet Reilly. I didn't dare try and bring our pack and play, so we had to get creative with Reilly's sleeping arrangements. I didn't want her on the bed with me because she rolls so well and I wouldn't get a wink of sleep! The alternative:

We covered the biggest tote we could find with a sleeping bag. It looked very comfortable! I made a deal with Reilly that since she had to sleep in a tote with a bunch of pheasants, I would give her the pacifer right away. That is what she is smiling about.
This was Reilly's first experience with the piano. What an expensive toy! Chris and I already talked about starting her with piano lessons whenever she's ready. Hopefully she grow up to play as well as her aunties and nana! Either way, a musical foundation is what we're shooting for and I'm sure she'll appreciate it one day.

Thanks for reading!


  1. Our great-grandson at about this same age slept in a suitcase beside his mother's bed. We lined it with a light blanket. Worked great. I think he's too big for that now...he can easily climb over the side. lol

  2. Your caption on the tote & pheasants photo seriously made me "laugh out loud." You've always cracked me up. :D
    Poor little Reilly's sleeping situation could have been worse only if she had been relegated to the laundry room or something (which has happened to visiting babies [Laurelin] when the house was packed!) Reilly was such a trooper. I bet she misses those pheasants (or at least their pacifier perk)
