Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Reilly is TWO!

Two blog posts in one week is quite unheard of these days, but I thought I would quickly let you all know about Reilly's second birthday! We have had so much fun these past two years with her, have been blessed beyond measure because of her, and can't wait to see what this new year has in store! MOST of the time she is a real sweetie and she brings us so much joy.

Reilly slept in today (must have been treating herself) but once she was up and running we started off her birthday right with a real treat: fruit smoothie! Then we put on her ballerina dress. The day continued normally until after nap time when she and I made a birthday cake! She saw me put the butter in the bowl and was already running over with her stool and saying "Mommy help! Mommy help!" She loves to help me bake anything. After we were finished it was snack time and I let her watch a Baby Einstein while she was eating. We played outside until Daddy came home, ate dinner, took a bath, and then had cake and ice cream. And more ice cream. Couldn't say no to that face.

I believe in the video Reilly tells you that she is two and that it is a "happy day." She has been saying those two things all day - maybe she really knows what is going on? I wouldn't put it past her because she is pretty smart. :) Well, I had better cut this blog off now lest you start having too high of expectations.

Happy Day!

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