Friday, April 30, 2010

We've Met Our New Doctor!

Hey, all. So we finally had the chance to meet our new doctor on Wednesday. Our appointment was one of the longest ones that we've had but we really didn't do that much. Nicole got to drink a really cool looking orange drink that she thought was disgusting. She had to drink this special orange drink so that they could test for gestational diabetes. Good news!! No diabetes for Nicole. All of her blood work came back well within the normal ranges for a woman who is 27.5 weeks pregnant. There is even more good news. That blood test was the last one Nicole will have to take during her pregnancy (barring something out of the ordinary happening).

Our new doctor, Dr. Moody, measured Nicole's abdomen and we found out that her abdomen should grow 1 cm every week that she's pregnant (+/- 3 cm is the normal range). She measured 26 cm so everything there is looking great as well.

We're really looking forward to moving tomorrow. Well, maybe not the actual moving part but the living in the new house part we're really looking forward to. Nicole is excited to have some good nesting opportunities. We'll make sure and put some pictures of the new house up on the blog sometime in the next week.

Our little Bun's brain continues its rapid growth. His/her response to sound grows more consistent toward the end of the seventh month, when the network of nerves to the ear is complete. Our baby's hearing continues to develop, s/he may start to recognize our voices. Lungs continue to grow and prepare for functioning outside of the womb. Each day in the womb greatly increases survival rates! S/he also continues to take small breaths and although s/he's only breathing in water and not air, it's still good practice for when s/he's born. Eyelids are now open more. Our baby can distinguish between light and dark. Our Bun's little retinas have formed. Our baby will grow over an inch this week alone! The average size for a Bun like ours is now 14.4 inches (36.6cm) and 1.9 pounds (875gm).

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